

Chairman Message

A .Praveen Reddy


My Dear Cooperative Friends,

Our Mulkanoor Cooperative Bank and Marketing Society Ltd. have completed successful (59) years and now it is in the 60th Year. Fore mostly I pay hearty tributes to our founder president Shri. A. K. Vishwanatha Reddy for his direction and blessings. Our members and management are very happy to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee celebration with the consent of Honorable Deputy Chief Minister, Honorable Ministers, MLA's, Public Representatives, Officials, Our Dealers, Media and other dignitaries.

Since last (59) years, our cooperative has developed and succeeded in all spheres of activities, which are taken up to meet the needs of our society members, we are happy for the achievements made by us.

This is possible only, due to sincere, Collective and Dedicated efforts made by our Members, Board of Management and Employees. My sincere thanks for the active support from cooperative and agriculture departments and other concerned departments also. I am grateful to all those who have been associated with the cooperative and supported its activities. Viz. NABARD, State Bank of Hyderbad, National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC).

Our Cooperative Society consists of 14 revenue villages and 18 gram panchayaths. It is almost covered by up and dry lands and there are no irrigation sources. The entire agriculture is depended upon small tanks, open wells and bore wells. Due to acute shortage of rains in the area, underground water is almost depleted. Added to it, the area is almost facing with severe drought condition, for years together. However, we are able to pool the manpower, inculcate saving habits among the members, adopt modern techniques of agriculture such as drip and sprinklers, introduced agricultural allied activities ie, Poultry, Dairy, Sheep within the area of the society, which contributed for the development of the society, even in the adverse seasonal conditions.

Our cooperative is providing Financial, Input, Marketing, Consumers, Extension and welfare services to the members according to their needs. By these services, eased the farming.

Our Cooperative is undertaking various agricultural extension services for the benefit of our farmer members. We invite scientists to train about the modern techniques in agricultural for improved production, besides sending them to field visits, Seminars and Agri, Melas on various agri. related subject. We have established the farmer's information and training center to impart trainings to our members on regular basis.

Our Cooperative is also taking health care of animals by organizing village wise animal health camps regularly. Conducting eye, physiotherapy and health camps to our members frequently. free cataract operations are provided to our senior members / spouse.

Even though we have satisfied with the services rendered by our cooperative, still there is a need in the Rural Development. A separate A.K. Vishwanatha Reddy Rural Development Society was floated for undertaking activities, other than the services of the cooperative. Junior and Degree Colleges have been established with financial support of our Cooperative. In these colleges more than 50% of the students are girls, who cannot prostate their studies, outside their villages, due to poor economic and social conditions prevailing in the families. Watershed programmes have been started in three villages in a humble way with the aid of the NABARD and completed successfully.

With the experience, we gained promoted women cooperative dairy, at Mulkanoor with more than 100 village level women dairy cooperatives with in the 30 kms radius surrounding Mulkanoor and seed producing cooperatives in Karimnagar and warnagal district. We have also actively supported in formation of men and women thrift cooperatives in Karimnagar and Warangal district.

India lives in the villages, for development of the villages, our cooperative is taking every possible activity within the ambit of limits. It is our strong opinion that, the village level organisations can progress, if managed by the people, who need them.

We trust that if Members, Management, Employees, Government and Financing bank, behaves in a responsible way, cooperatives can build a better world.

Any cooperative desire to know about development of our cooperative, we are always ready to share our experience and contribute for the development of cooperative movement.